Gioia Tauro Port AutorityGioia Tauro Port Autority

Autorità di Sistema Portuale dei
Mari Tirreno Meridionale e Ionio

/Port Sistem Autority/Services/Operating Team/Fire Department

Fire Department

The Detachment Fire Department operating in the port area is allocated in a special station, provided with a garage for emergency vehicles; exercise functions of emergency fire on land or at sea for vessels moored in the harbor, being equipped for this service fireboats specially equipped.


The Detachment depends functionally on the Provincial Command of Reggio Calabria and is connected, for the purpose of emergencies, with detachments of Palmi and Polistena on the Tyrrhenian coast, and on the Ionian side of Sidernoas well as with the Operational Room of the Command of Reggio Calabria.

The Provincial Headquarters of the Fire Department, are responsible for fire-fighting services airport and port falling within the province of competence and therefore include the departments of VF the chief town and those of detachments and places of supervision of the province.


Contact Information:


AMM/Nucleo : Distaccamento Vigili del Fuoco 

Indirizzo : Contrada Iamia

E-mail : [email protected]

Tel. : 0966/52111

Fax : 0966/504226